Project Intake FormBilling DetailsFirst Name* Last Name* Phone Number* Email* Billing Address* Project CoordinatorFirst Name* Last Name* Phone Number* Email* Drone Project Location (Where you want the drone to be flown.)Street Address City State Postal Code* Project Deliverables*What is the purpose of the project? i.e. I'm hoping to get some beautiful imagery to help market my services Who is the Intended Audience?*What are you trying to communicate?Shot RequestsDo you have any shot requests or anything in particular you'd like us to capture?Is there anything you DO NOT want us to capture?Do you have any examples or documentation that could provide more detail? FileMax. file size: 50 MB.Will there be a point-of-contact (POC) on-site? No Yes If yes, please provide name and contact info for the POCFinally, is there anything else we should know that would help us successfully execute this project?Please check this box to acknowledge the submission of this form to be authorization for work to be completed by Dronegenuity and acceptance of charges related to the service as discussed with an account manager.* I accept. Δ